But the thing is, I don't really feel the need to go that way, not just yet. I am yes. single, available and not seeing anyone right now. Of course I intend to get married, I mean which girls doesn't. She kept questioning till when? Honestly, even I don't have the answer. All I want is a man that is put first and foremost Islam as his way of life. I mean not just some Muslim guy who is printed on their IC the word Islam. I mean those who really walk the walk and talk the talk.
Then comes the taboo subject (taboo to me, but not in Islam), polygamy. What if there is no more good single guy in this world, and the good ones are married, will I be willing to take any of those guys, just so that I can get married? Quickest response, no.
Am not against polygamy, by all means if a guy can demonstrate that he is able to provide for more than 1 wife, then go ahead. But for me to share a husband with another woman, I'm sorry, thanks but no thanks. I am greedy when it comes to having my life. If that happens, I don't mean to brag here, I would rather stay single. (at least that is what I feel for now)
To me, life as a person, specifically as a woman, not just about getting married. Of course, its fitrah, wanting to get married, have kids, grow old with your spouse and the whole enchalada, but I know there is more to life than getting married. I know for a Malay, going 29, I am labeled as spinster. You know what? I don't care for even a bit. The thing that I care the most now is taking care of my parents and myself. The rest, if its fated, then so be it.
This friend said, tawakkal tu boleh, tapi kau dah usaha ke? Seriously I have never really work on to marriage direction, not really, as long as I remember....maybe I'm supposed to do something, but my heart is still not up for it.
- Am I giving up on falling in love and getting married? Not really.
- How much longer will I wait, till I make the first move, knowingly aware that my biological clock is ticking? Honestly, I don't know.
And one more thing, I want a guy that can go on living without me, but choose to be with me. I don't want those you die I die kinda thing, not for me, not for him.

There it is...phew... this IS a long post. ;)