Monday, September 2, 2013

Tanda Putera - Siapa makan cili dialah terasa pedasnya....!!

Assalamulaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

In Astro there was commercial of yet another Indon movie, Ainun  & Habibie. Being a fan, I subscribed when I have the time. The story was about the former President Habibie, how his story from being a young engineer in foreign land, till he was called back to serve his country. I began to wonder when would Malaysia made such film. Films that would honour the prolific figures that help in developing the country in the early days. Little did I know, there was such effort and it was held back by our very own country men. Its a shame, all effort are being put forward to stop the release of this movie.

I salute the director, thank you Shuhaimi Baba, put taking the pain to make this movie.

I watched this on Merdeka eve. Saat di mana anak-anak muda kita berpeleseran menunggu detik 12 malam, dengan barisan konsert dan tayangan bunga api, dengan pergaulan bebas sampai ke jam entah  berapa pagi (I know....I've been there - the stay out late part that is..)

I first came to know about this movie when it came out in Utusan Malaysia that DAP banned the show in Penang. Why such pushback? they were claiming that this movie is racist. Really? I have to see to believe it, and based on my non-expert opinion, its a simple history movie.

History has to be told, else, we would be complacent and the events will repeat itself. What happened then, was the radicals and the subversives that cause chaos in the country, they incite hatred among the people, and what better way to do that? of course by attacking the racial unity. We all know that DAP was founded based on communism and it is written in history that they were behind those chaos that leads to May 13th incident. So happened that was the incident that re-joined Tun Dr Ismail and Tun Abdul Razak hand in hand to save Malaysia. The rest of the story revolves around the friendship of those two figures and the sacrifices made for the nation.

Its not a film against the Chinese, we all know not all Chinese are for communism, and we also have Malays as few of the top leader in PKM. Jadi, kalau ada yang nak melatah bila tengok filem ini, saya rasa yang paling cepat terasa ialah komunis. Yang DAP zaman sekarang nak terasa kenapa? Apakah mereka masih mengamalkan fahaman komunis? atau mereka memang tidak pernah mengubah arah haluan perjuangan mereka setelah sekian lama?

Sejarah tetap tinggal sejarah. Harus kita ingat, masih ada element yang hendak meruntuhkan perpaduan rakyat Malaysia, menidakkan kedudukan orang Melayu, elemen itu sangat jelas sampai ke hari ini. Melayu mudah lupa, kata Dr M. Sebab itulah kita harus diingatkan sepanjang masa akan sejarah hitam ini. Agar kita lebih berhati-hati dan bersedia menghadapi segala kemungkinan.

Yang saya sedih bila tengok komen di FB, anak muda melayu kita yang terikut-ikut mencela filem ini. Saya kira Shuhaimi Baba tidak perlukan penghargaan tinggi melangit, cukup sekadar generasi zaman sekarang mengambil iktibar dari sejarah lampau. Yang filem rempit lah, gangster jalanan la, dan segala macam cerita hantu yang tidak membangun minda disanjung-sanjung, award berderet-deret, perlakuan mereka dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan seharian....tapi filem sejarah sebegini di caci maki...apa nak jadi dengan generasi melayu zaman sekarang. They are fighting the communist battle for them, and the communist didn't even have to do a thing. Poke a little bit here and there and there you have it, the young Malays will go all out for them. Its downright shameful.

Ya Allah, kurniakan kesedaran kepada generasi ini, untuk membezakan mana yang haq, mana yang batil...amin..

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