Monday, August 30, 2010

Down Memory Lane...Shah Alam

The meeting went well. I meet the kids (well, kids to me..hahaha..) and hopefully I managed to clear some of their confusion and not add anymore to it ;)

A trip to Shah Alam has been somewhat giving me mixed feeling. That was the place where I spent my youth, falling down, got back up again, face some of the great challenge, experienced the years of daredevil inside of me. UiTM in particular is the place that moulded me to be this person, I owed so much to the place.
my school....we (my batch) were among the people yang 'merasmikan' this building
Hallway, lab on the left

lif which floor you wants to go and it will direct you to which lif, was there during my time ;)

some exhibits of plant equipment, these kids are lucky, I didn't even know how a valve looks like back then
After the meeting, under the hot scorching sun, I decided to go to my used to be home away from home for 6 freaking years (1999-2005). Yup I stayed there throughout, all 6 years at the same level 3, only different rooms.

Teratai 1
This is the place where we had the morning parade every Wednesday morning. We did ketuk ketampi in those 1.5 inch shoes, we sings the 'Negaraku' while the civillians are still sound asleep and because of us, almost the whole of Teratai 1&2 had an early day comes Wednesday...hehehe...

In this college I have made the best of friends, I truly enjoyed my stay there, makan kat dining hall, plus, study at the TV room, panjat pagar time nak pi tengok millenium concert (Y2K la sangat..), singing our hearts out everytime we had PT..banyak lagi...I don't think I can list all of them. The best part is I lived my life there, really did.
the painted over the murals that we painstakingly drew!!! sangat tak best ok!!

There it is, a piece of me in the past. Will be making more frequent visit there, now that I have the extra comitment, surely enough, I will be walking down more of the memory lane...

 bus stop keramat....


  1. wah wah.. sure syahdu semacam kan?

    so sad that they painted over your mural! design dah outdated kot ;-)

  2. tu la pasal...lagi best kalo ade geng jln2 sekali reminiscing the good 'ol days,

    as for the mural, i don't have the pictures to prove, but i can tell you, it was timeless ok...(sebab i copy gambar dr software memory lane nye greeting card....hahaha....)

  3. Jeet,
    Hmm betul.. zaman studi memang the best, kan? I guess maybe it's because we learnt a lot those times.. in so many ways. :)


“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you." ~ William Arthur Ward...

So what say you? ;)