I watched this movie one week back but I don't have time to sit and write my response for the movie. I posted the same comment on his blog, but last count there is 240+ comment, I bet if he read all. So here goes....
Salam Bro Afdlin,
First of all congratulation on making one of the best movies in 2009. Am honoured that you have chosen my alma mater UiTM to be one of your prime location for this film. From here onwards I will continue in BM.
Saya tak pasti sama ada komen saya akan dibaca memandangkan betapa ramainya peminat Bro Afdlin di sini. Walaubagaimanapun, saya ingin menyatakan rasa tidak puas hati dengan cara imej UiTM digambarkan di dalam filem bro.
Pertama sekali berkenaan sahsiah rupa diri pelajar ketika hari pendaftaran. Semua maklum UiTM ialah satu-satunya universiti untuk Bumiputera. Sahsiah rupa diri yang kami junjung tidak tergambar sama sekali di dalam filem ini. Pada hari pendaftaran pelajar diingatkan untuk memakai pakaian yang sopan (baju kurung untuk siswi) dan kemeja + tali leher untuk siswa) . Bukanlah saya ini anti jeans dan T-shirt tetapi hari pendaftaran adalah awal mula imej kampus didedahkan. UiTM berimej barat kah? Kalau pendaftaran di Lim Kok Wing, mungkin ya, siswa dan siswi memakai pakaian mengikut trend terkini.
Sudah lah pelajar yang mendaftar memakai pakaian kebaratan, aturcara hari pendaftaran jugak agak tersasar (tiada orientasi?) . Mungkin saudara hendak mencipta kelainan maka adegan ini tidak dimasukkan.
Mahasiswa dan pensyarah juga tidak langsung mematuhi sahsiah rupa diri ketika di dalam kampus. Sila periksa balik poster-poster di sekitar UiTM yang mewar-warkan sahsiah rupa diri pelajar. Saya musykil tiada pihak dari UiTM yang menegur sepanjang pembikinan filem tentang imej UiTM.
Perkara kedua mengenai budaya hidup pelajar – pulang terlalu lewat malam (adegan Hisyam menghantar Miasara, keadaan sekeliling gelap gelita dan tiada orang lain lalu lalang. Kehidupan kampus bermaksud ada lagi kawalan dari pihak universiti dan kolej kediaman, bukanlah sebebas-bebasnya seperti yang digambarkan. (selalunya mereka ini akan ditahan di pintu pagar oleh Pak Guard)
Pelajar UiTM tidak dibenarkan menganjurkan parti di dalam kampus, apatah lagi yang tidak mematuhi sahsiah rupa diri pelajar. Saya yang menghabiskan masa hampir 7 tahun di kampus induk Shah Alam tidak pernah tahu akan mana-mana pihak yang diberi kebenaran mengadakan parti bersuka-ria seperti itu, tak tahulah kalau fakulti Farid Kamil membenarkan aktiviti sosial dalam kampus…
Perkara kecil sebiginilah yang menyebabkan industri filem kita masih agak sukar menembus pasaran luar. Saya akui, filem Papadom ada mesej tersendiri dan dari segi pembikinan saya tabik bro dan krew-krew yang telah menghasilkan cerita yang lain dari yang lain. Cuma apabila imej UiTM yang jadi taruhan, saya agak terkilan standard yang ditonjolkan agak rendah.
Selain dari itu, cinematography yang menarik telah mengeksploitasi beberapa tempat di UiTM contohnya kafe Menara dan PTAR, amat cantik dan menarik. Syabas.
Ini hanyalah pendapat saya, terpulang pada bro untuk dipertimbangkan atau tidak. Seperti yang saya katakan awal lagi, tak tahu sama ada coretan ini dibaca atau tidak.
Well done & wassalam.
My suggestion : go watch the movie, one of the best yet in terms of story line and the filmmaking goes. However as UiTM alumni, I strongly believed that justice was not done to reflect the image in campus, at least in Shah Alam.
My 2 cents ;p
p/s: my 100th post ;) gilela..2 post in a day, nampak sangat takde keje..hehehe...
Hiduplah untuk memberi sebanyak-banyaknya, bukan menerima sebanyak-banyaknya..... ~Cikgu Harfan- Laskar Pelangi, 2008
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Once in the blue moon
I watched this VCD last night, With Love ( a Japanese Drama series) and continued this morning. I have watched it more than 10 times I think ;) Nostalgia gila tengok cerita ni...what are the memories?

I like him in all the looks, totally went crazy over this guy (I think I still am..hehehe...) I mean who wouldn't fall for that sometimes badboy, sometimes very deep thinker and sometimes just plain sweet and cute look, am sure I did ;)
This is the first VCD Series that I bought after I had my first PC in 2002. I fell in love with the actor immediately Yutaka Takenouchi. This is the story about relationship in cyberspace, background Tokyo, 1998. The guy (pencipta lagu) accidentally sent a piece of his song to this girl. The girl loves that song and later they keep on communicating via mail. Both uses nickname and unknowingly they were quite close to each other in real life. Along the line, both seems to be having the same dilemma, be it about money, being victimised or many other daily challenges and both exchange words of wisdoms via mail.
From this series I also learnt the cute icons such as p(^o^)q this is to express 'gambaro'..which means 'berusahalah'... I have it written on all my textbook (*o*) V
I know its cliche and those type of story only happened in movies but I loike the series so much. The funny part is I bought the series in Kota Raya KL. The basement used to have this one shop that sold Japanese and Korean drama series at good bargain. Went back to Shah Alam, watched the whole series overnight only to realise that the store packed me short of ONE VCD, the last one...how can!!! In order to get my ending, after class that day I took bus to Kota Raya (2hrs ++ ride) and claimed the VCD from the store. They acknowledge it was their mistake. I quickly rushed back to Shah Alam and finally finished watching the series, close 24 hrs after I bought it. One of the things that I do back then.
After that I was head over heels with Yutaka that I keep on buying his drama series, although I don't have all but I have the one movie he did with Kelly Chen, Calmi Couri Appasionati - background in Italy. See, I was that much in love with him....
So just to reminisce the old fling, here are some of his pics (not latest though..)

I like him in all the looks, totally went crazy over this guy (I think I still am..hehehe...) I mean who wouldn't fall for that sometimes badboy, sometimes very deep thinker and sometimes just plain sweet and cute look, am sure I did ;)
btw: once in the blue moon is the song that HAsegawa TAkashi accidentally sent to Teru Teru Bozu.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Me New Toy

I have to go to Maxis Centre again, was rushing the other day, so it was not settled yet.
When I was browsing and surveying which phone to buy, I sort of attracted to this model Nokia 6730 Classic. Little did I know that it is among the latest model - I thought latest would have E or N denotes to the model. It only came out less than 3 months ago. Well, I don't really follow all this so I don't really know.
So when I went to Low Yat, most of the sales ppl don't know about the model, but some do. I decided to buy full set original instead of AP set (price difference is only RM100 ++. For now not fully utilising the new toy yet. ;)
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday mail
MU lost to Liverpool last weekend and first thing that I read this morning when I logged in was the whole strings of football fan mail from my ex-Chem Eng classmate:
Here goes:
From Amin
Ello geng, aku xkire la korg kate benda nie dah basi ker ape ker.. aku xkisah.. tp aku nk tulis n share gak benda nie ngn korang……
Here goes:
From Amin
Ello geng, aku xkire la korg kate benda nie dah basi ker ape ker.. aku xkisah.. tp aku nk tulis n share gak benda nie ngn korang……
From Omar
En. Amin dan sekalian LiverFOOL's Fan. Something to think about.

From Omar
En. Amin dan sekalian LiverFOOL's Fan. Something to think about.

From Kumin
Pergh…. Ko memang best encik omar… By the way, last season pun Man U kalah both game against LiverFool…, but still menang jugak EPL… nothing to lose.... ahaaaksss….
From Amin
Whutever la En omar + En kumin,
25/10/2009 LIVERPOOL 2- MU SUCKS 0… still lose………………..ahaks!
25/10/2009 LIVERPOOL 2- MU SUCKS 0… still lose………………..ahaks!
From Omar
Why do pigeons fly upside down in Liverpool?
Because there's nothing worth shitting on.
What's long, scouse and goes round corners? The dole queue.
What do you call a scouser in a white shellsuit?The bride.
What do you call a scouser in a suit?The defendant.
What does a Liverpool fan do after watching his team win the Champion League?
Turns his Playstation off and gets into bed.
From Sairol
Dear friends,
Please stop this gibberish immediately.
Dear friends,
Please stop this gibberish immediately.
From Amin
Omar, terima jer la kekalahan MU tuw.. keh keh keh….. Nah attached gambo tuk kenangan korang…:)
Omar, terima jer la kekalahan MU tuw.. keh keh keh….. Nah attached gambo tuk kenangan korang…:)
Sairul.. sorry yer.. hehehehehe….
From Amir
Sian…muka seposen je dlm pic tu….bg lah % mcmana oun..MU tetap kalah…arsenal duk diam ye…bkn slalu bertelagah dlm email ni…skali-segala je kan….
Sian…muka seposen je dlm pic tu….bg lah % mcmana oun..MU tetap kalah…arsenal duk diam ye…bkn slalu bertelagah dlm email ni…skali-segala je kan….
From Amin
Ehh mane ade bertelagah la btul tak En Omar, kiter just keep in touch jer.. kang kater xde keep in touch plak.. hahahahha…….
Ehh mane ade bertelagah la btul tak En Omar, kiter just keep in touch jer.. kang kater xde keep in touch plak.. hahahahha…….
From Omar
To En. Amin. Betul Betul Betul. Kalau tak reply email ada yang kata sombong+angkuh+bongkak+takkabur+lupadaratan+riak dan yg sewaktu denganya. Dah email kena Gibberish pulak. Sorry Yer. Tapi En. Amin yang patut bertanggungjawab sebab mulakan email panas ni hehehehe Pagi2 sebelum start keje best juga layan email mcm nie. Betul tak En. Kumin? Cuba cari dimanakah En. Amin dalam gambar ni?
To En. Amin. Betul Betul Betul. Kalau tak reply email ada yang kata sombong+angkuh+bongkak+takkabur+lupadaratan+riak dan yg sewaktu denganya. Dah email kena Gibberish pulak. Sorry Yer. Tapi En. Amin yang patut bertanggungjawab sebab mulakan email panas ni hehehehe Pagi2 sebelum start keje best juga layan email mcm nie. Betul tak En. Kumin? Cuba cari dimanakah En. Amin dalam gambar ni?
Hahaha....am a football fan although am not a die hard fan for any team. What intrigues me was I learnt two things from this emails:
- Scoucers
- Gibberish : garbage, rubbish, nonsense...etc you get the point!!
Everyday is a learning day... :)
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
Here We Go Again....

The best part yet, I have to cover for him..hahahaha.. I admit my new job role is less of a burden compared to the old one, but still I have to face different challenges. I managed to do my previous job when I was in his place all by myself, some support here and there, which is normal, but not until to the part I give it totally to somebody else..
Whatever it is, I'll still help. More to add to my resume, and its a win-win situation to the team.
Note to self: NEVER underestimate what other people do. They may have their own challenges and you may not even know it unless being put in that position.
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Monday, October 12, 2009
Love You Anyway
My boss IM'ed me? Is the dead guy from Boyzone? I quickly turned to him and ask 'What?' He replied 'Oh..the Gate something, he died yesterday, age 33 or something..' and I said 'Jap eh..I google..'
And I found out Stephen Gately died, choke by his own vomit after a night lad out, obviously he was pretty wasted. (Eww...gross!!!)They have just made a comeback last year I think, and this is definitely my favorite song.
Tell me what you want from me
Simple yet I like it. As for the death, not saddened by it (jahat tak?).
And I found out Stephen Gately died, choke by his own vomit after a night lad out, obviously he was pretty wasted. (Eww...gross!!!)They have just made a comeback last year I think, and this is definitely my favorite song.
Love You Anyway – Boyzone
Tell me what you want from me
So I can try to make you see
That I’m in no position for giving
Cos’ all I see you do is lie
And I can’t help but close my eyes
And wonder ’bout you in my life
I’m drowning in your tears
I’m delirious
Are you serious?
What goes on in your head?
I’m just curious
Cos’ I’m hanging here
Got me dangling here
Think your love, oh your love has got off my head
It’s unbelievably hard to love you
But I love you anyway
I’ve been trying too hard not to love you
But I love you anyway
Oh, I should’ve known
That you’d go and steal my eyes
Oh, I should’ve known
From then on I’d lose my life
I’m delirious
Are you serious?
What goes on in your head?
I’m just curious
Cos’ I’m hanging here
Got me dangling here
Think your love, oh your love has got off my head
It’s unbelievably hard to love you
But I love you anyway
I’ve been trying too hard not to love you
But I love you anyway
It’s so incredibly hard to love you
But I love you anyway
And every time I try too hard not to love you
I love you anyway
I don’t get it, I really don’t get it
I try to walk away but my feet won’t let me
I don’t get it, I just don’t get it
I try to walk away but my feet won’t let me
You have me baby
You drive me crazy
You have me baby
You drive me crazy
It’s unbelievably hard to love you
But I love you anyway
I’ve been trying too hard not to love you B
ut I love you anyway
You have me baby
It’s so incredibly hard to love you
You drive me crazy
But I love you anyway
And every time I try to hard not to love you
But I love you anyway
I don’t get it, I really don’t get it
I try to walk away but my feet won’t let me
I don’t get it, I just don’t get it
I try to walk away but my feet won’t let me..
Simple yet I like it. As for the death, not saddened by it (jahat tak?).
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Open Jangan tak Open....
Raya time = Open House. Working in PD does have big (foodie) advantage in this festive season. Most of the people are married and we the 'singles' will always get invited to their houses. Some even invited the singles only. I did host open house 2-3 years back, but not this year, too much work and too many invites to begin with.
Lets start with last week when I came back from long Raya break:-
This week...the invite keeps coming:-
Saturday 10 Oct -
Sunday 11 Oct
Suprisingly no invite yet? Sapa nak jemput aku?? Open ni..hehehe.....mati kekenyangan ;)
Today 7 Oct - Kak Yati, Teluk Kemang
Saturday 10 Oct
Yus (DIC Classmate) , Shah Alam
Amri (Colleague), Bangi
p/s: Syukur Alhamdulillah....
p/p/s: feels like important person..hehehe....
Lets start with last week when I came back from long Raya break:-
- Wednesday 30 Sept - Hj Ismail, PD Villa
- Thursday 1 Oct - Kak Linda, Taman Dato'
- Friday - speed up back to KL before maghrib (no invites ;))
This week...the invite keeps coming:-
- Monday 5 Oct - Kak Nita, TNB Kuarters (actually TNB staff had marhaban from house to house, Fareha and I were invited last minute for the makan-makan)
- Tuesday 6 Oct - Hani, Kg Baru SiRusa
- Wednesday 7 Oct - Wani (don't know where the house is, will go with my hsmate, invite came in last minute, just when I started to think about my dinner plan)
- Thursday 8 Oct - Kak Kamsiah , Taman NLFCS
- Friday 9 Oct - Afandi, Masjid Tanah, Melaka (sampai Melaka tu orang jemput..hehehe... will be carpooling with Sakina)
Saturday 10 Oct -
- BBGS OGA Raya Tea, Brickfield
- Su's (Shaz's friend), Wangsa Maju ke ? not sure
- Azee (Chem Eng friend), Klang
- Fareha's sis, Kepong
- Wati (colleague), Senawang
Sunday 11 Oct
Suprisingly no invite yet? Sapa nak jemput aku?? Open ni..hehehe.....mati kekenyangan ;)
Today 7 Oct - Kak Yati, Teluk Kemang
Saturday 10 Oct
Yus (DIC Classmate) , Shah Alam
Amri (Colleague), Bangi
p/s: Syukur Alhamdulillah....
p/p/s: feels like important person..hehehe....
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Monday, October 5, 2009
SA 2010 planning update
Raya is over, so is kenduri and my SA fund has been affected quite badly because of the celebration. So now my immediate action is to re-fill the fund so that I can enjoy SA as I planned!! Updated budget to set aside for a month is freaking RM1000!!! banyak tu.. I would have to forgo a lot.. (new novel,DVD,karaoke session..new furniture for SP house have to be put on hold jugak ni..)
Haish..tu la raya tak ingat, spending not so wisely and now paying for the consequences. Shaz and Ija ape cite? I'll follow up later. Am finalising the accomodation places. So far there is 2 or 3 places that offers the price within my budget. But some still have not published the World Cup season price yet.
Check this out!!!http://www.mountainmanor.co.za/BPack_about.html - awaiting the WC ratehttp://www.penthouseonlong.com/index.php - confirmed WC rate already, and I thought the place looks good and decenthttp://www.zebra-crossing.co.za/accom.htm - confirmed WC rate, another decent place http://www.catandmoose.co.za/home.html - awaiting WC rate.
So now finalising among these 4...
Haish..tu la raya tak ingat, spending not so wisely and now paying for the consequences. Shaz and Ija ape cite? I'll follow up later. Am finalising the accomodation places. So far there is 2 or 3 places that offers the price within my budget. But some still have not published the World Cup season price yet.
Check this out!!!http://www.mountainmanor.co.za/BPack_about.html - awaiting the WC ratehttp://www.penthouseonlong.com/index.php - confirmed WC rate already, and I thought the place looks good and decenthttp://www.zebra-crossing.co.za/accom.htm - confirmed WC rate, another decent place http://www.catandmoose.co.za/home.html - awaiting WC rate.
So now finalising among these 4...
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Waka-waka 2010 (Cape Town)
For you a thousand times over...
I bought it sometime in 2008, it was tucked in between many more unread books not so neatly arranged in a box in my store. I do not have a decent shelf to display it and maybe that is why I have totally forgotten about it. This year I made an attempt to start reading again. Eversince I started working, I can't barely even finish a book in less than 10 seatings. I will caught myself going back to the pages that I have read.
So I started off with The Diary of Anne Frank, a literature book that was discussed by other class back when I was in Form1, my class did some other books which I could not remember now. Same case with the diary, I kept on going back to the same page the next time I picked up the book, and then I decided to change to this one, The Kite Runner, I missed the chance to see the movie with a friend, conflicting schedule, so I sat and read.

I stopped when I have something to do, this is before Ramadhan. The book follows me to KL and later SP last Raya, I still have not managed to finish it. And at finally, last weekend I've read it all. What has taken me so long to read it? I figured probably because the story is so strong and many of the small details that depicts Afghanistan were beautifully written, and therefore I took time to dive into the words, and also took time to feel the emotions of each character.
It has been quite some time that I have read an emotionally binding book and this is yet by far the best that I have read. I know I may be way left behind since this book was published in 2003, but its better late than never right?
For you a thousand times over.....
p/s: there'a a mentioned of Malaysia towards end of the book, although I don't know whether what he says is true or false ;p
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Thursday, October 1, 2009
This song was a hit back when I was in secondary school. Yet, I don't know another single soul who likes this song. YouTube has been diabled,
Title: Crazy for this Girl
By: Evan & Jaron
She rolls the window down
And she
Talks over the sound
Of the cars that pass us by
And I don't know why
But she's changed my mind
Would you look at her
She looks at me
She's got me thinking about her constantly
But she don't know how I feel
And as she carries on without a doubt
I wonder if she's figured out
I'm crazy for this girl
She was the one to hold me
The night
The sky fell down
And what was I thinking when
The world didn't end
Why didn't I know what I know now
Right now
Face to face
All my fears
Pushed aside
And right now
I'm ready to spend the rest of my life
With you
And she
Talks over the sound
Of the cars that pass us by
And I don't know why
But she's changed my mind
Would you look at her
She looks at me
She's got me thinking about her constantly
But she don't know how I feel
And as she carries on without a doubt
I wonder if she's figured out
I'm crazy for this girl
She was the one to hold me
The night
The sky fell down
And what was I thinking when
The world didn't end
Why didn't I know what I know now
Right now
Face to face
All my fears
Pushed aside
And right now
I'm ready to spend the rest of my life
With you
Chorus 2x
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