Thursday, January 23, 2014

Do you understand?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh…

First few times I was asked the question, I was a bit furious. Who do they think I am? Do I look that stupid? There is one particular Ustaz in Malaysia, also like to ask the question ‘paham tak paham ni?’

To me, it sort of undermines my capability to absorb things, and it’s quite insulting and I do feel offended. But after a couple more times of being asked the same question, and hearing the same question being asked even among themselves (the locals), I began to understand that it is either a figure of speech or its their way to make sure their message get across. So in order for me not to be asked the question anymore, I employ a new tactic. Each time after a person finishes his/ her point, instead of just nodding like I used to, I verbalized, I understand, and if required I paraphrased. This is the case if I don’t have any follow up question. I have to be better at coming up with follow up questions. I was told that in this side of the world, people tend to be more vocal and if I reserve my opinion, I would be perceived as I have no opinion or I just don’t understand. Do you understand? Hehehehe…

Another thing about the way the people here communicate is they like to exchange few words of pleasantries.  If you meet a person, they would spend at least few questions such as how are you, how was you night (if they meet you in the morning), how are things going on…etc.. I am so bad at that. I normally say Hi, and then I go straight to business. Now I have improved a bit, ‘Hi. Good morning, how are you?’ and then I stopped at that. If I knew the person on personal level then I’ll ask a bit more. Yes, I have to learn more of this basa-basi.

Work has not been put on full swing yet but it will be in the next few weeks if not days. Then I will have to practice the basa-basi even more. Now basa-basi dengan pak guard, the canteen girls and some other people.

Till then, wassalam…

p/s: today is 23rd Jan and yet, they still wishes one another Happy New Year. Kat Malaysia first day masuk office ja dengar wish tu...

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