Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Lafazkan Kalimah Cintamu


I think I'm going to consistently blog again..for obvious reason. Hehe.

I am now hooked on this drama. I don't have Astro since I don't think its worth the money, but I got hooked on this drama after 1 month stay at the hotel. The thing is, this is a typical malay drama with over the top crazy rich family with their own family issues, nothing new. Its just another novel turned drama by this writer, which is not my favourite as her story are always elaborate and heavily dramatized (nama pun fiksyen kannn..). I tried buying the book, but the review is horrible in MPH website hence I passed. So why did I got hooked?

I think mainly because of the soundtrack. Lagu Siti memang berhantu, and the fact they chose an old song, but somehow related to the story line, that actually impressed me. Melodramatic ballad as soundtrack is a big pull factor for viewer like me..hahaha..Also I think Nelydia Senrose played the part well (just googled who actually acted, never can tell her apart from Uqasha :P) . The dialogues are funny, a bit hyperbolic but funny. I can now understand the bad ratings and comments about the book using childish language. Well, I wouldn't want to read a book with language standard not at par as well (which is why I've not read the Twilight trilogy, bahasa budak-budak sangat). But when it comes to drama, definitely I can tolerate that as that's how informal we are anyway.

I wanted to binge watch over the weekend, but I am not that patient. I actually watched the live stream last night..hahaha. Bila dah emo, macam-macam boleh jadi. See if I can hold the temptation tonight.

Till tomorrow. Daa... Wassalam. 

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