Monday, October 3, 2011

List three jobs you’d consider pursuing if money didn’t matter

Been tagged by Bro Faiz. Simple yet interesting ;) let see....

List three jobs you’d consider pursuing if money didn’t matter
1. Traveler writer cum photographer. I know this job pays well, but you need to have the skill (photography) and the looks (definitely I don't have this..hehehe... :D ) So I guess I am no Denise Keller :P

2. Language teacher - another half cooked skill that I have :$

3. Personal caterer - given the freedom to set the menu and sometimes even pick the customer (memilih...hahahaha...)
Now tagging the fellow friends: Kak Tek, dieya, Kak Pah Maya, Aida & Kak Yong, jawab jangan tak jawab... ;)

*all pics credit to Pakcik Google


  1. Yeay! First place kekdahnya.


  2. saya pilih kerja Personal Caterer sebab dah berpengalaman selama 20 tahun tanpa dibayar gaji tetapi ditaburi oleh kasih sayang dari suami dan anak-anak.

    Rasanya saya sanggup berkhidmat utk mereka sehingga akhir hayat.

    Perks yg saya dapat ialah anak-anak saya cerdik, pandai, beriman dan paling saya suka ialah mereka punya keyakinan diri yg tinggi. Sebagai Personal Caterer saya sangat bangga dengan pencapaian anak-anak saya. Sekian, terima kasih


  3. ooohhh.. ini tag nyer yer. baik mbak, akan diusahakan. tapi lambat sikit ya, maklumlah.. bz.. uhukkk!

  4. hek! kena tag...
    nanti dah jadi personal caterer, kaktek booking ek.. almaklum money didn't matter kan.... harga kawan-kawan lah ek...heheheee...

  5. aiyakkkk...banyok beno teman nak nanti tunggu yek, akan ku jawap jua!

  6. Ahkak, always nampak komen akak kat umah kak tek, tp xtau mana satu link akak ;) well done as personal caterer yang berjaya, walaupon x dibayar cash, insyaAllah kat 'sana' nanti bnyk ganjarannya :tup

    dieya, xpe, take ur time, janji share on mauritius settle dulu :)

    kak tek, nasib sy letak disclaimer, sy boleh pilih clientele... tapi sebab sy nak numpang kat the colony in case ade rezki ke sana, sy decide utk terima kak tek jadi client saya 8)

    kak yong, ye sy ini menanti sebuah jawaban ;)

  7. Mencabar minda betul tag nie Jeet oi! Kena perah otak nie...hahaha
    Nnti bila free i buat wokeh. Now bz like a bee..uwaaa

  8. Hello Jeet,ha ha, love this....
    For me love to be a professional portrait photographer, takes pics of women.....but bank manager will not be impressed with what masuk in his bank.

    Nak jadi Police officer pulak....ada pakai glasses, out!
    Nak jadi fighter pilot, maths no good

    So jadi business man, part time buaya, Ha ha ha.
    Have a nice day and keep a song in your heart.

  9. maya, no prob :) i'll allow grace period for your iSad episode too!!

    uncle lee, i love your list too..ok apa jadi bisnesman, now duduk di canada, part time buaya, no comment :D

  10. Jeet,
    Love the new font, sweeeeeeet! :)

    Job #1 tu kan dah buleh proceed pe? Kamera dah ada. Hidung, mata, mulut suma ada.. dah ada looks la tu. So apa di tunggu lagik? :)

    Job #2 tu.. tolong la jadi cikgu saya! Por favor!

    Job #3 tu, kita jadi partner mau? Kalo tak dak sapa nak mai makan, kita dua ja perabih :D

    * orait, will do this homework soon!


“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you." ~ William Arthur Ward...

So what say you? ;)