Tuesday, October 18, 2011

C28 - A picture from my childhood

Ya amppuuunnn....I totally forgot about this. I postponed it earlier because I was searching for my childhood photo. When my parents moved to SP, we have been transporting stuffs bit by bit, and somehow most of my childhood photo was either misplaced or lost. So when time passes by I kinda forgot about the whole thing :P

I still have the same cheek ;)
The rest of the challenge will be wrapped up soon, tungggguuuu..........


  1. Alahai KIUT nye dia! Siap ada pokok kelapa atas kepala tu! Muahaha! Mata tu memang sebijik la mata sekarang :)

  2. 1982? waa... samalah nombor tahun kita lahir... hehehe.. 3 nombor je sama...

  3. aluhluhluh... cumeinya dia, chubby2 gitew...
    p/s : ko suka meno layan citer indon yek Jeet, tp akak pun dah layan citer tu, kelako meno!

  4. aida, tengkiu ;)

    kak tek, 1982 tu sy dah dekat setahun~~ tahun ni kan sy 3 series..hehehe..

    kak yong, sy sekarang ni kalo tak 141, 142, tak pon 114 pastu 119, semua slot cite indon saya sapu, xyah tgk subtitle dah..hahahaha...


“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you." ~ William Arthur Ward...

So what say you? ;)