Thursday, November 15, 2012

Of Being Better

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

Yet again, another year has passed. At the dusk of the last day of every Hijri year, did we ever ponder on what have we done for the past one year, as a Muslim. Have we done enough to make sure that we live to the 'Muslim' status. Do we really applied all the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (praise be upon him). Honestly, I never really did. When I was younger, I do make a conscious resolution at some start of Hijri year, to make sure that I completed my 5 daily prayers (yes, back then to complete the compulsory one was really a battle). Alhamdulillah, now its not as bad, though I still catch myself doing it at the very last minute.
But hold on, offering salah is not the only things that makes me Muslim.

What about my other obligations on this earth as khalifah? When will I start doing more for people rather than focus on many other self eccentric stuffs? This platform for a start, how many of the things that I shared that has benefited the ummah? Its there, but not as much as I hoped. Today during usrah, our naqibah shared a list of personal target, very appropriately timed with the new year :) Here is what the list look like :

  1. Tilawah al-Quran : 1 juz per day (we strive to meet this target during Ramadhan, why not on the normal days?)
  2. Al-Mathurat : once a day
  3. Solat sunat rawatib : before/after each prayer
  4. Qiamullail : 3 times per week
  5. Interaction with neighbour : once a week
  6. Puasa sunat : 3 times a month
  7. Riadhah : 3 times a week
  8. Istighfar : everyday
  9. Read book : 30 mins a day
  10. Memorize the ayat from al-Quran (with its meaning) - 1 ayat per day

We were encouraged to push the limit, to meet the target, and share how much we achieved with our naqibah on weekly basis. Honestly, it is a stretch list for me, but I have to try. We have to start somewhere. I think my biggest challenge would be the interaction with neighbour. I pretty much keep things to myself. My neighbour, on the right side is an Indian family and on the left is a Chinese family. I had more communication with the Indian family. They have a few kids, and the small ones like to say hi each time I get back from work, but after that I don't know what to do next, how do I take it much further. Maybe I should start by offering some kuih instead? (I think I did,when I first moved in..hehehe...)

Hijrah signifies the journey for the better life, just as the Muslim back then when they traveled from Mekah to Madinah, in hope to spread Islam and get out of the oppressed life in Mekah. Reading the story of hijrah makes me realize, I have not tried my best for any change that I wanted to make before. I lack that determination, and I think one way to motivate me is by keep on reminding myself of what the Prophet and the sahabah went through just to spread the word of Allah, I need that inspiration :D

Just to start, here's the story of Hijrah. May Allah give me strength in achieving the listed target...aamiiinnnn...
Salam Maal Hijrah 1434H!!


  1. Jeet
    Salam Maal Hijrah ...

    Thank you for sharing. Kena tepat pada masanya, alhamdulillah.


“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you." ~ William Arthur Ward...

So what say you? ;)