I have just had a handover session before lunch and my head is kinda filled with -things to do- from that session. Howeverrr...I have this urge to post about my Raya this year. Many pics will be attached as the friendly IT ppl have configured all USB connections to my laptop. (at least they did something right)
My car is packed as ever with stuffs to bring back home. We started from KL on Friday at 2pm-ish.Arrived at Juru exit around 5.30pm- ish, only to be greeted with heavy traffic jam. After about 1.5 hrs crawling, we managed to arrive in SP just in time for iftar.
We had quite a full schedule, having only arrived 1+ day before Raya. First things first, pelita..and my sis bought the deco lights

We sort of hold back all the preparation until official announcement aired on TV, from then onwards, it chaos!!.
Little did I know my mom revert to using the 'kukur nyok', a traditional tool to grate coconut. It took me half an hour to finish half coconut, and we need at least easily 20 coconuts to be grated for all dish to be prepared.
LOL!! so in the end my father took all the coconuts to local grocery store and have a more industrial way done, by the machine ;) This time we even imported coconut leaves from KL so that we can make 'ketupat nasi'.
We also put up a temporary shade outside. We did all the cooking using 'kayu api' to save on cooking gas ;). besides, it free fuel..
Notice the three 'supervisor' at work 'supervising' my youngest sis doing her chores.. :p
We made dodol and my mum forgot the original recipe that we used last year, so we ends up making 4 times than what we make last year ;p. The cooking starts around 2am-ish and only finishes at 7.30 am. I was so beat up that after solat sunat Aidilfitri, I spent almost the whole day sleeping (both my sis and I)
We also had ketupat palas (I did not take any pics though..) and lots other cookies (which none that I made)
More pics on pagi Raya, we always tried to get a family photo, this year my younger sis - kakdik spend the first day with the hubby side, so she was not in.
Najia was in bad mood and I tried to 'pujuk' her to get in the mood for the photo session, not really working though....
This Raya, we also had kenduri, a wedding reception for my sis (delayed one to combign with akikah + tahlil masuk rumah baru) So all in one due to recent economics crisis..hehehe...
We ordered the cow from my uncle 'Pak Lang' and I went to see the slaughtering process but didn't have heart to stay and witness. My sister snap all the photo
The kenduri is on 5th Syawal, tahlil was done on 4th Syawal after Isya'. Some pics during preparation of tahlil + kenduri+ many others;
Preparation for kenduri went on smoothly although on D-day itself I was rushing in and out to send to send the bride for make up, pick up cupcakes and many more neverending chores. Alhamdulillah all things went well. More pics, as usual....
Cupcakes orders came from SP and all the way from Kulim, the decos are lovely and I loike ;)
more pictures....
more pictures....
I also bought fresh flowers from KL since its much cheaper and I have reliable supplier. Stairs deco are made of fresh flowers..

The bride....
Candid and not so candid shots...
Later that night kids have fun playing fire crackers- supplied from the long arm of the law..hehehehe..
I was using my tripod, but the subject were not static, hence the results ;p
Only on Saturday did I managed to do some visiting to my aunts place, after all the dust had settled.
At Mak Njang's place...
Most of the beautiful pictures not taken by me, my sis and nieces was doing most of the snapping as I was pretty much occupied doing other stuffs.
We head back to KL on Monday and yesterday I spent all day in KL settling stuffs. Today back to work although am still very much in Raya mood....sigh.....