Wednesday, January 10, 2024

2024... Fuh!


Hi self, 안녕! 잘 지내지? 10 days into the year, back to work almost full swing..almost but my body is still on weekend clock and this week I am attending workshop which starts at 9AM (which means I have to be at work 8AM) and be awake for the whole day, and must be able to focus. 

3rd day of workshop, I still struggle to keep myself awake, what more to focus and contribute to the workshop..

Yesterday I messaged most of my remaining friends that I can find within the company chat app, saying I need the distraction to stay awake. Teruk betui...hahaha..

So.. how have I been? Covid flew by and within the pandemic period I managed to steer clear...but end of last year sees spike in infection here in Malaysia.. and I was part of the statistic as well. Survived the pandemic tapi kecundang jugak time endemic ni...hahaha.. before Xmas I got infected, during Xmas my SV kena, and right into the new year another colleague got hit with Covid...hahaha.. Ok back to me. 

I am still in Miri, doing the same job, but living in different house now. Apart from that life has been pretty much the same.. I should have updated more. I wanted to but I was too lazy..haha..

Ok, some notable things that I can be proud off, I have improved a lot in 한국어.. Started in 2021 and I am at intermediate level now. I can read albeit very slow, understand simple dialogue, and if I were to leave a rom-com drama running in the background, I can understand the conversation, if not the context of the scene. The only thing that I have not improved as much as I hoped is the conversation part. 너무 어려워요.... and noticed that I switched typing more easily these days. I have my laptop and phone configured with 한글 keyboard. 

And like many of the previous new years.... the resolution to loose weight is by default ignited. We'll see how far we get this year, and with few holidays planned, I am prepared to be on yo-yo journey again, but hopefully not so much, and by end of this year, hoping to see the deficit. 

할 수 있어! 그럼 올해 더 열심히 하겠습니다!

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