Thursday, January 14, 2021

Stockdale Paradox

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

First day back to work after 3 days of leave, sangap gilaaaa.... hahaha. This morning agenda was team meeting, good for me as I can excuse myself from work, at least in the morning. The boss shared a bit more detail on the new org chart and how it impacts us as a team. In our own small section, the headcount maintain status quo but we are all required to update our CV and re-apply to our current roles (and maybe if you are eyeing for another role, by all means go ahead I guess..)

The only uncertainty is that other people that are impacted may also be eyeing our current role. So the competition is on. I've yet to update my CV in the system. Everybody is nervous due to this Reshape matter. The company has been careful in all of its communication so far and  lot of emphasis that shows Care - issues such as mental health are being discussed openly. Some people may disagree with this as they've experienced first hand of boss being a mental health threat itself. For me, I've been lucky so far, I hope I will continue to get good bosses in the future. 

On that note, my colleague shared about Stockdale Paradox Mindset - about being resilient in adversity. Much needed especially in this time of crisis. I didn't really read the material but when she shared the salient points in today's meeting, I figured, I am doing most of it and I guess that is why I have a better tolerant to what's happening nowadays. So here's the main point, taking lesson from Stockdale Paradox Mindset. 

Stay grounded in reality - confront and make sense of your current situation AND at the same time Stay hopeful for the future - keep an unwavering faith that you will get through this, even if you don't know exactly how.     

So what can you do in order to live up to these mindset? 

  1. Incorporate humor and laughter into your day. - whatever that makes you laugh, do it!
  2. Reverse negative thinking - train the brain to think of positive thoughts, one way is to be grateful. Each day list down things that you are grateful for, that will slowly develop a positive mindset. 
  3. Surround yourself with 'Hope Providers' - find people who we can trust and confide in - this I failed miserably, as I do have trust issue and I am quick to pull back. Being labeled as mulut laser at times, I've learnt to keep my piece, and I don't think people can help to overcome my problem, I always have the belief that I need to solve my problem myself. So yeah, I don't do this. 
  4. Reflect on what you value and take action - reflect and make sure our actions are aligned with our value - this I do really well. :)
  5. Choose you - this is somewhat similar to the point above, we need to have a strong sense that our lives are meaningful, and that thought itself will help us to cope, survive and rebuild whatever that is needed from within. 
  6. Hold on to your stability rocks - Stability rocks help us to remember that there are things that is within our control, mundane things such as regular exercise, some tea break in between, those things can keep us grounded and give us a sense of control. I apply this in the thought that we each have our own circle of control and some circle of influence, we have to acknowledge there are many things that is outside of our circle of control and also circle of influence. so identify those and don't get too hung up on it. This whole Covid situation can be dealt with this approach. 
  7. Practice tolerating uncertainty - I think the main point here is don't try to be a control freak all the time. We can always try to do things differently and see how it turns out, be open for more possibilities. 
  8. Draw on skills you've used before - this is not the first problem that we encounter, how have we cope with previous crisis? reflect on that and use the same method to survive this chapter. We've done this before, we can do it again!
Out of the 8 points there, I have been doing 7 unconsciously, so yeah, I think in a matter of being resilient in adversity,  I think I am OK. Alhamdulillah. 

Until next post, happy new year 2021! 


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