Thursday, August 27, 2015

KBB followed me on IG!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh... (part ni ja sopan..hehehe)

I've been using IG as a means to update my daily life happenings. Kat situ la share gambaq resepi, pokok, quotes repost from sapa-sapa entah, and also repost mostly Real Madrid's picture. Selfie maybe ada 1-2 dalam seribu lebih gambaq kat situ..

Since I moved here, my posting in IG has increased exponentially. Ye la, dah tak da kawan nak sembang, blog pon dah suam2 kuku, post sendiri, baca sendiri...hahaha.. no two ways interaction with other homo sapiens :P. Bbbuuuutttttt.......... That may change, may or may  not, we'll see how. Here's why. On Sunday, I saw a notification, I had a new follower, its not unusual, since my profile is public, and normally entah sapa2 yang follow. Some I follow back some I don't.

The new follower has a very small profile picture, so I checked out the profile. Its KBB!!! Aduh, pahal pulak dia follow aku ni. And the odd part is dia makin rajin share la plak.. minggu ni ja dah more than 2 posts, kalau tengok rekod dia yang dulu-dulu, 3 bulan sekali kot baru nak letak satu gambaq. Macam tak best la plak kan..dia follow kita, dah tentu dia tgk kita aktif dok update gambaq, tapi kita tak follow dia, padahal tiap2 hari bertembung (almost!). So nak tak nak...kena la follow gak, nak stalk memang tak logik. Orang jauh boleh la stalk, orang dekat apa kes? Dah la dia jumpa profile kita dulu....huhuhu...

So now the question is, should I continue gila-gila kat IG, or should I start to behave? Macam tak best pulak nak behave kan...hipokrit la plak. Minggu ni lepas dia follow, belum lagi letak post yang mengarut. Tapi rasanya nga kuat deh! But hold on, yang nak behave sangat pasai apa? Hehehehe.. Jaga saham maaa..... You know what...? I don't think I want to behave.  My saham should be based on my true colours. So kalau sikit, sikitlah, kalau tinggi, tinggilah...

Caiyok! Till next update, wassalam.... :)

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